Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Plan B - Discovery Project

So for my discovery project, I have decided to completely switch up my entire idea.  In my previous post about this project, I talked about how I was going to produce a song, record it, and shoot a music video for it.  However, due to time constraints and writers block, I have decided to completely switch up my idea.  

I'm sure most of you have seen an awards show so hopefully you all will understand what I will try to explain.  So in the awards show, before a presenter presents an award, they introduce the nominees right? What I will be doing for my discovery project is to create a video for the introducing of the nominees.  So for instance, in the Much Music Video Awards, the presenter will talk about a category they are giving an award for.  Then, it will cut to a video, usually with cool effects that introduces each nominee.  Then the presenter will announce the winner and they go up and collect their award.  Sounds confusing I know, but this example will make it more clear (0:15 - 0:46).  

First off, this was a random video just to show you what I'm talking about.  I do not like Avril Lavigne nor do I listen to her music.  Now that that's out of the way, I am pretty excited to work on this idea.  Although I'm very far behind as most classmates are finishing up, I know I will and can get it done.  I have many different effects in mind that I want to put into my video.  

All in all, I know what I'm going to do now so I just have to do it.  I have about 3 weeks to complete this project so it will be interesting to see how I will work under the pressure.  I know most of my classmates are nearly done, but I also know that I am capable of pulling this off.  It'll be like real industry timing.  In the real world, I'm sure I'll have to do more stressful time constraining projects than this in shorter time.  Anyways, less talking and more doing!

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